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Ab Ads While Abroad

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Prudie | 09:56 Sun 16th Jul 2023 | Technology
60 Answers
I'm currently abroad and AB is covered in adverts again. Is this because I'm abroad or because the removal trial has been rescinded? I don't care as I'm totally disillusioned with the site anyway as I've mentioned but just mildly interested in the answer to this question.


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It wasn't all a golden age Douglas. I have been around long enough to remember legend and knobby
Rosetta, you are triggering my nightmares
I've obviously not managed to make myself clear.

That was kinda my point, Rosetta. That and differing recollections of late members.
Prudie on Gulliver:
I've no idea what sadistic pleasure you get out of such posts gulliver (except perhaps a huge chunk of the green eyed monster)which are by and large carp.

A wonderful thing, politeness, not to mention practising what one preaches.
OG - just wanted to say that you are one of the most rational, intelligent and kind posters on here. You were very kind to me when I was going through terrible grief and I've never forgotten. When you were absent for a while I missed your posts.
Do we know what that^ was in response to? Something sadistic - or green eyed?
We only have one side of the story there.
^That to Jno.
it was not a post addressed to Prudie, so there was no need for any response at all.

Prudie is free to say what she likes to gulliver, you or me. But doing so while presenting to be an exemplar of civility doesn't work.
Hmmm… you’re criticising , Jno, but without knowing the background to that it’s hard to say whether or not you’re justified.
Just trying something to see if I'm right.
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Jesus wept jno. Do you keep a dossier on everyone? So I have done a search and that was a post of gulliver's called 'summer holiday' and is from December 21. He was rubbing it in about perceived Brexit disasters and everyone's foreign holidays going to be ruined. I absolutely stand by what I said then and you have only enforced how I feel today. Unlike you I'm never the first to be nasty.
No surprise you wouldn’t back that up, Jno.
Where is Gulliver ?
O god you lot should all settle down and watch
Spy amongst Friends - Damian someone and Guy someone else

It is about Philby and Blunt ( Cambridge spies to come er to the point). There is 23 h of bugged tape, but it is all unintelligible. This is why Nicholas Elliott is being debriefed - to find out what the hell was going on, and not because he may be a spy as well.

there is A LOT of - Nick Elliott: "now what was philby thinking when he was fleeing on the tramp steamer to Odessa? I have no idea, can i stare at your belly button?"

Debriefer, : "Certainly, and I will stare at yours and wonder why Hollis put me on this case and not Skardon or Nipper or my mother in law"

irrelevant to this thread? compare to

Miss X We only have one side of the story there.
Miss Y That to Jno.
Miss Z: it was not a post addressed to Prudie, so there was no need for any response at all.
Miss X or Y ( it doesnt seem to matter which) Prudie is free to say what she likes to gulliver.....

poor Gully - he doesnt deserve it

Keep up the staring, carping and botching, boys and girls
Is stating that you find someone ugly criticising? I was sharing my opinion on a light hearted thread. Hopefully Ellipsis and toorak you will continue to post all over the site at anybody else who expresses an opinion you don't like and tell them off too. Everybody in the world is beautiful, does that satisfy your virtuous natures?
Totally OTT - for goodness sake, get a grip!

^^ WTH?
That Peter Pedant post is hilarious. Nice one Peter.
I am confused. 00.03 who did you think you were posting as toorak? What is/are your other personna called?
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Toorak, I do not know you, I know nothing of your posting style, personality, good points or failings. You however have assessed mine and feel qualified to tell me in the most charming manner to get a grip. May I ask that you tell me what you expect me to do, what does get a grip mean?

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