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Best antivirus to use

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lin69 | 03:15 Thu 05th Jan 2006 | Technology
13 Answers

Which is the Best antivirus to use (free if poss?) I've downloaded 2- 1 caused the trojan virus and the other($42:50) was wiped out when the tower had to be replaced. I'm with wanadoo




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try avg,its free and very good
Heres the link for AVG , have used it for several years with no problems whatsoever

i have two comps on one i use zone alarm which i swear by. on the other i have norton and microsoft anti spyware and touch wood nothing has got through yet. but out of the two i recommend zone alarm. Free trial package -

(it is a bit paranoid to start off with till you set it to what you want but nothing wrong with being over protective)

I have just replaced norton anti virus which I had to pay for with AVG and not only was it free it is better
AVG all the way!
thanks for the link to AVG, just downloaded it and found 122 infected items which I've been able to blast into cyberspace.....very impressive!
Like kitten I have norton and giant microsoft antispyware, which have been good until now. Unfortunately I have just had a trojan.adclicker and coolwwwsearch get through. Norton detected the trojan but couldn't fix it. Had to get rid of it manually - quite a performance! However, from what I can see on various forums it may have been even harder to get rid of them without the limited protection norton and microsoft provided.

I use Avast and rate them extreamly high, (and free)

I also run Spybot S&D, Ad-aware and Peerguadian 2

I seriously recomend Peerguardian 2 for anyone on the net more than a few hours a day, youd be amazed who's watching you!

I cant stand Norton and others that treat you like an idiot and lock out most of your operating system.

We also use AVG Free On-Line Services & like alunrw, we haven't experienced any problems either.
I agree with the others that AVG(free version)is as good as any. Avast is also OK. If you go onto the Computer Active(magazine) website you wil be able to download the AVG free version easily.

AVG free version - details here

And here too.

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