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Is Avast Mobile Security Legit?

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sandyRoe | 16:06 Thu 11th Jul 2024 | Technology
9 Answers

I've received a message saying 'No scan for the last 7 days.'

I can't remember if I've ever scanned my phone.



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If you downloaded it from Google Play or Apple it's legit.I get the same message from my different security company every seven days if I haven't scanned.Maybe you had a free trial of a premium version which scanned automaticall
16:17 Thu 11th Jul 2024

If you downloaded it from Google Play or Apple it's legit.

I get the same message from my different security company every seven days if I haven't scanned.

Maybe you had a free trial of a premium version which scanned automatically 

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I'll try it.

Be brave, young fellow

That's a browser !

Avast is a browser.

Avast Mobile Security is an anti-virus for phones

Android and Apple phones have inbuilt protection. 

No need for third party protection 

Brave is a browser.

You're right, OG, Brave is a browser.  What's your point?

Just check your earlier posts.

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Is Avast Mobile Security Legit?

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