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Will This Photo Define History ?

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Khandro | 12:38 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
46 Answers

I think it might;



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Like the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima

I saw on TV some young guy who has already been inked with that very image!

Not sure it will define history, but it is an iconic picture.

Bet the photographer was rubbing his hands, others got similar shots but he was just off angle enough to get the flag as well.

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I think the photographer's 'luck' chimes with what the golfer Gary Player once said, "The strange thing is, the more I practice, the luckier I get."

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That tatoo is amazing brainiac ! - as they say, "Only in America !"

Seems like a perfectly normal,  rational guy.

Got your SNP tattoo yet Douglas 🤣

Strange tattoo. Looks like he's made an ass of Donald (or vice versa).

I thought it was on his bottom - horrible bottom I thought - and then realised it's on his shoulder.

Man who has just been shot stands up again to let the shooter take aim again.

I have YMB, it depicts Mr Murrell in handcuffs.

"Man who has just been shot stands up again to let the shooter take aim again."  By the time President Trump got back to his feet, the shooter was dead.  Hence why the secret service shouted "clear".   But you probably knew that.

And a camper van in the background I hope 

//Man who has just been shot stands up again to let the shooter take aim again.//

The SS had told him they had taken the shooter out and they let him up, they are not that incompetant. 

The underlying problem is of course the DEI hires that meant they were not tall enough to protect him.

It'll probably make the photographer a rich man.

"Hence why the secret service shouted "clear"."

Aye, and nobody ever heard of the possibility of a second gunman lying in wait I suppose.


oh god this is exactly the sort of thing to make bootlickers weak at the knees

i hope it doesn't define history. it will be a very dark history for the US indeed if the fascist Republicans take power

untitled, please stop applying the word 'facist' to everyone who disagrees with your world view.  It's not only wrong, it's childish.  You sound like Wolfie Smith - and he wasn't the sharpest.

Dan Rather called Trump a fascist today. it isn't just me and it's a perfectly valid word for him that many americans evidently agree with. so i will continue to use it thank you very much naomi. 

Listening to the deranged left, "fascist" is the new "racist"- anyone who doesn't agree with their extreme view of the world gets labelled accordingly.  

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