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muskox | 12:34 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Technology
9 Answers

Can I take my laptop to someone's house and show BBC i player clips. Would it work, the same as at home? The host has a BBC licence



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Only via your friend's broadband. You can no longer download clips to your laptop and watch them somewhere with no broadband.

Question Author

Thank you for your answer. Do I just switch on the laptop and the broadband works, or is there preparation work necessary?

It depends on their broadband security. youll probably be asked for a password to access their broadband

Question Author

Thank you. I'll just stick to copying and pasting some photos from the BBC iplayer clips, if that is possible

You will need an internet connection.

If they have broadband and it is password protected, the password is quite likely to be on the back of the router. 

Alternatively if you have a smartphone you could use your mobile connection to play it.


If you have a mobile with data then you can create a "hotspot" for your laptop to use.

Question Author

Thank you all for your helpful suggestions. 

Muskox as Maydup says, look on the back of the router for the password, that's what my friends do when they come into my flat. Once they have it, it stays on their device for future use. 

That's assuming they have the internet.

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