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Virgin Media.

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melv16 | 19:35 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Technology
7 Answers

How easy is it to change from Virgin Media to another supplier? At the moment I have Internet and landline with them.

Virgin have nearly doubled my monthly premium. 



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Phone virgin and ask for a better deal, that's what I do

I am with virgin and realised they put bills up or double them when you go out of contract, so they want you to contact them to get better deal. When I rang them to say I would have to leave they put me on a deal better than I had been on previous to the extortionate rise. I think they want you to be back on a contract but don't just take first offer. Tell them afyer their first offer that you will look around and let them know what you want to do after that. 

If, after taking advice from those above, you still find yourself looking for a different ISP, remember that you probably don't actually need the sort of speed that Virgin Media provides.

For example, a friend of mine recently asked me to help him find a cheaper alternative to Virgin Media. I knew, from when I'd installed a new PC for him, that he was getting 113 Mbps in his house from Virgin Media.  However I pointed out that, as he lived alone, he didn't need anywhere near to that speed and suggested that he should consider any ISP that could offer him at least 20 Mbps.  (That's probably rather excessive too.  The service I use only gives me 10 Mbps; I wouldn't gain anything by paying for a faster speed).

Really fast broadband speeds might benefit households where, for example, there are several teenagers who're all playing video games and/or uploading large video files to YouTube simultaneously but for others all they do is to give them bigger bills for a service which they'll never really make use of.  Faster isn't always better!

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Thanks for the replies. I am indeed out of contract in August and I'll try to beat them down on price.

I've been with Virgin for over 20 years and most years have to play this game.  They put the price up, I phone up and threaten to leave.  One year they offer me more services for less money;  the next I propose less services for less money.

The reality is I always get at least the services I want and am paying less now than I did years ago

My virgin media contract runs out this month so I phoned them up to see if they could do a better deal as the new deal would be double the price.

They said no so I told them to switch me off at the end of the month and I will switch over to another supplier.

2 days later they phoned me back to offer a new deal which works out even better than I was paying before so Im staying with virgin media (they even credited my account on the new rate for this month!) 

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