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Apple Product

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DanicaDoodle | 23:39 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Technology
2 Answers

I am in need of getting new everything when it comes to technology and am not sure what apple products I should get. I know I need a mobile device, computer and such. Please let me know what you think I should get. I am down for any suggestions 



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Before anyone can suggest anything from Apple, the obvious question here has to be "Why Apple?". 

Apple products are generally far more expensive than those running Windows (for PC and laptops) or Android (for mobile phones and tablets) and you don't necessarily get a great deal more for your money.

For example, the latest iPad has prices starting from £349 but with the Air and Pro models being priced from £599 and £999 respectively:

If you were to consider an iPad, you'd need to decide which of those models offered you the features that are best suited to your needs.  However if you only want a fairly basic tablet, one of the Amazon Fire range (from just £64.99) might do the job just as well:

My own tablet, which I purchased earlier this year and which does everything that I could want from it, cost even less than that:

So do you really need (vastly over-priced) Apple products?

The Everyday Dad on YouTube has researched this topic.

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