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C Type Earphones

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kat1 | 14:40 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Technology
4 Answers

Hi, Bought these for hubby's mobile phone so he can listen to radio at work and talk on phone. Tried them but nothing, can anyone help please? Thanks



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What mobile is your hubby using??

Does he have C type ears ?


Maybe the mobile doesn't have the ability to play through that socket; what does the manual say ?

Your OH's phone is far more likely to be configured to export audio via Bluetooth than it is through a USB-C port.  So it would almost certainly have been better to buy Bluetooth earphones.

However the following might resolve the problem for you:

Go to Settings.

Tap 'About phone'.  (You might need to go via 'System' to get there).

Tap 'Build number' 7 times to access Developer Mode.

If asked to do so, enter the phone's PIN.

Use the 'Back' button to get back to 'Settings'.  (Depending upon the phone, you might need to press it either once or twice).

There will then be a new option there, called 'Developer options'.  Tap on it.

Scroll a long way down to the 'Media' section and turn off 'Disable usb audio routing'.

Tap on 'Media transcoding settings' and turn off all the sliders.

Exit everything and then try the earphones again.

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Thanks all for your replies. 

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C Type Earphones

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