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Tesco Mobile To Install 5G On Samsung Galaxy Tonight

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Clementino | 09:35 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Technology
19 Answers

I am not interested as I understand it drains the battery and is not compulsory.  I am not installing software so will this prevent the update ? thanks



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I have just read this


Switching 5G OFF saves battery because, when connected to a 5G signal, your cell phone is basically connecting to a bunch of different, smaller networks all at once. This rapid loss of charge may also cause your phone to heat up.

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Ok I went to settings app , then mobile networks, then  network mode and selected LTE/3g/2g so hope this stops any update to 5g 

I haven't noticed any difference in battery life since I had 5G

Good luck using 3G, that is already being switched off and will end completely soon

I'm a little confused about this. Tesco doesn't have a licence so has to buy resource from a company who does. Do how come the implication is that Tesco calls the shots and decides whether mobile handsets and O2 will or won't have G5 ?

Question Author

Oh dear.  I only use my mobile for phoning when away from home (taxis etc) and receiving passcodes when confirming I am actually me !

Will this be possible when 3g is switched off ?

I am a newbie to this kind of technology ....I am ancient 

" I only use my mobile for phoning when away from home (taxis etc) and receiving passcodes when confirming I am actually me !"
Neither of those require a data connection, so 5g,4g,3g,2g are all irrelevant to you, Clementino.

Question Author

Thanks to all. There is an option under settings etc to click on  voLTE but this is another thing I know nothing about. 

By coincidence I have just received an email from my provider that 4G is being switched off from this September.

How much data do you use a month if you don't use it away from home? I assume you use WiFi at home

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Oh no ...

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Barry.  I Have 'mobile data' switched off on advice from Tesco. I occasionally use my mobile indoors to connect to my home wi-fi hub .  I am "pay as you go " on mobile

You are on a different network to me. As you don't seem to use data it will make no difference to you. 

Allow the update, switch data mobile off and switch it on when needed. 

How much data do you pay for a month and how much do you use?

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Barry in reply to your last message I don't pay anything for data per month . . I am just using my mobile like a phone .  Last week in hospital, the mobile switched itself on to mobile data and ate £17 . I tell you I am too old for this 

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I have just been chatting to tesco mobile on FB who said voLTE is = to 4g and suggest i switch to that in settings now. they said 4g is not being switched off this year 

Apologies, my vision is very blurry, I meant 3G is being switched off.

I suggest you change your plan. I pay £4 a month for 5GB data and unlimited calls and texts. 5GB is plenty for me.

Question Author

I have just read this document and am  much more up to date and less of a dinosaur.  Tesco mobile uses O2 network.

Just to add - your data mobile never connects to your home wifi, it's a different thing altogether.  Only switch it on at home if your wifi is down but you will be paying for it.

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Barry, I never take my ipad or pc to the bedroom. but I have occasionally used the mobile to connect to my BT hub which doesn't cost anything above my BT plan

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Tesco Mobile To Install 5G On Samsung Galaxy Tonight

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