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Further To My Search Box Question

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Tubbycoates | 18:55 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Technology
5 Answers

Suddenly, the same thing has happened to my main laptop, even though I didn't get a message about configuring Windows.

Can I stop configuring Windows? Can I delete any Windows configurations ?







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Which version(s) of Windows are you using on your machines? 

If it's anything before Windows 11, then disabling Windows updates might fix the problem for you.  (I suspect that Windows is repeatedly trying, but failing, to install an old update that you don't really need anyway).

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I think I'm on Windows 10

How do I disablw Windows updates?




Configuring Windows can be a complex endeavor. A few experts on YouTube have done the research to understand much of it. A program called O&O Shutup will likely accomplish your objective.

Scroll down to 'How to turn off automatic updates: Disable updates for good':

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Thanks Buenchico, Great advice as always

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