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Office / Outlook

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dillon | 07:11 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Technology
2 Answers

I accidently removed outlook icon from office suite in start menu while trying to pin to taskbar. How do I get it back. Ive tried typing 'outlook' into start / search and right clicking 'pin to taskbar' but it doesn't work



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Not at a PC at present but I'd guess there would be various options. 

Have you tried finding a suitable click menu option in or on 'start' ?

Or maybe use the file browser to find the programme and the 'start' directory on the disk and either via right click menus, simple dragging of the icon, or copy & paste, see if any of that works.

Since that didn't work, you can create a new shortcut by opening File Explorer, navigating to the Outlook executable (usually found in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16), right-clicking on Outlook.exe, selecting "Create shortcut" from the context menu, and then moving this newly created shortcut to the Start menu or pinning it to the taskbar.

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