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Which Of The Following Is Best Network Media To Insteall In A Geographically. Difficult Location? A, Fiber Optic Cable Communication Media C Twisted Pair Cable D All

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Mish9699 | 23:29 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Technology
3 Answers

Which of the following is best network
media to insteall in a geographically.
difficult location?
A, fiber optic cable    Communication media
C Twisted pair cable D all




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Don't know about twisted cable but we use Starlink as does my cousin whose house is in the Algarve boondocks with no phone service of any sort

Where's B ?

Difficult to reach ? Find something wireless.

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Which Of The Following Is Best Network Media To Insteall In A Geographically. Difficult Location? A, Fiber Optic Cable Communication Media C Twisted Pair Cable D All

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