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Mobile Phone Not Receiving Or Making Calls

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tearinghair | 17:35 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Technology
5 Answers

My Galaxy A12 Android phone, with EE, suddenly stopped working just as I began to make a call. It's showing 'no service', though it also shows 'Calling' if I try to phone my landline - no ringtone at either end, so I'm assuming it it isn't getting through. I've been through the points suggested on the EE website, with no change. The phone was apparently synced with my other device just a few minutes ago and I'm still getting notifications. 

The phone itself has been getting quite hot lately. Is it dying? It's about three years old. I absolutely need it working in case of urgent messages from my daughter's care home. Any advice, please?



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Start by checking whether there's a known fault in your area.  Enter your postcode here and view the left-hand panel in the results page:
(NB: Ensure that you've got the '4G' tab selected, as the A12 doesn't support 5G).

Remember though that we're in a period of quite intense solar storms, that are knocking out many radio signals.  So that might be relevant too.

Otherwise check that you've actually got some credit on your phone.  (It's possible, for example, that a regular payment from your bank account might not have gone through, resulting in you being cut off from the service).

Also try removing the SIM, wiping it with a cloth and then replacing it.

Try calling 150 from your mobile phone to see if it will connect you to EE.  If it does, ask for help.  If not, try calling 07953 966 150 from any other phone to seek assistance.

I have a Samsung Galaxy with very bad reception where I live. It sometimes says Calling and nothing happens.  If I put on Mobile Data and walk outside it sometimes helps. 

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Thank you  Buenchico. I had tried the first and third options, but am hoping it may be the solar storms solution as I can now receive incoming calls ( the most important element as far as my daughter is concerned) but cannot yet call out. I'll leave it a while longer, then try again, otherwise try the contact number.

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It seems that it was weather-related. We had the mother and father of all thunderstorms shortly after I posted the question, and it now seems back to normal. Sorry, I would normally have waited a while before contacting AB, but I needed to be in contact overnight so didn't want to leave matters to chance. Thank you for your advice and patience.

I have also tried switching the phone Off and then On again, very technical, but it sometimes works ....

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Mobile Phone Not Receiving Or Making Calls

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