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The Amazon Fire 7 I Have Is Not Suitable Anymore.

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tamaris | 14:26 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Technology
23 Answers

I have my phone and desktop but I want something else as well. Not sure what to get. Any ideas ? I only want it for everyday emails etc etc.



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Sorry about that ridiculous long link. ^^^

How about this , quite a few bells and whistles pay the extra for no ads User Recommendationref=sr_1_10?crid=2UCSRKNZC5L5C&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.dj23nCZNYKqwfQ4Gf2gRupTdqUWXC25ONm0U4-Sw5fzVF7n4NtXhfJLdQPZE_6dP1D1hx0ZB-hw-_7YapzDM7QQklIKyVCfoQysYg_3I8zP5gVEshXfPr5naH8o9C9XJKtf2OCO-Wrva-R-ABK6Kyy60hH7O57zMEoNkZqnYde-bkrcfNY0JQfHtKu9uUDQ_BwKBizoF1lq2EJHIloiQz4rqmGdjd6O6DTaWrcMUVG4.4Xb34Mg4lyv9rybDVRzI8VfkVdLZJxTHlEvU6msYCP4&dib_tag=se&keywords=kindle+fire+hd+8&qid=1722715378&sprefix=kindle+fire%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-10

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