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The Amazon Fire 7 I Have Is Not Suitable Anymore.

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tamaris | 14:26 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Technology
23 Answers

I have my phone and desktop but I want something else as well. Not sure what to get. Any ideas ? I only want it for everyday emails etc etc.



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How old is your Fire? Would the latest model suit?

How much do you want to spend?

Question Author

No I  don't want similar. It works well about 6 years.


Question Author

Price wise not sure, I want a new one

I just suggested the new Fire because it is much bigger and better than your model and you are familiar with the OS.

I have a Samsung Android tablet and an iPad Pro.  I like both but will stick with Android in the future. 


If it's for simple everyday tasks at a reasonable price, Fire tablets are hard to beat. Latest models are much better than early ones.

Looking at this with great interest. I have a fire 7 (9th generation) & I've been bitterly disappointed in it. This is my second one, my first one was brilliant albeit an older model. This one is slow, screen a tad too small & I just don't like it.

That looks good Barry.

Lenovo and Samsung are good.

Buen recommends a very cheap tablet on a different thread. There is something for all budgets.  Pointless paying loads of money for basic use

Question Author

I'll take a look at Chris's Barry 

Fire tablets are great but are not compatible with a lot of apps, e.g. weightwatchers on line, and pretty much anything from Google play.  Couldn't get any of mine to do zoom either.   I won't be getting any more, will go for a basic Android tablet,so long as it does what I need.

Yes, you can't access Google Playstore on a Fire as purchased...but it's only a 10 minute job to sideload it.

Question Author

I couldn't get on to Google either , that's main reason I'm not happy

>>> Buen recommends a very cheap tablet on a different thread

. . . which unfortunately seems to have sold out from the site that I linked to 😒

However I actually bought mine direct from China, using this site:

Search for 'adreamer leopad'. The first link should be for 'Adreamer LeoPad10'. Click on it and check that 'Ship to' is set to 'United Kingdom'.  The price I'm seeing is €40.54 but there's 20% VAT to be added to that.  Converting the total to pounds should give you a price of around £41.50 (which is less than the £50 that I paid for mine).  It's an absolute bargain!

Question Author

I looked at that one chris, thete was only one left and I got it for 47 plus 3.95 postage, I'm happy with the price, many thanks Chris once again xxx

Thank for your reply.

My own experience is that the tablet arrived amazingly quickly and exceptionally well-packaged.  The battery life is really long too!

Question Author

I look forward to receiving it. He has good reviews xxxx

Question Author

Thats 47 plus 3.39

Good medal to you Tamaris. First out of the blocks!!! None left!!!!!

I've got this Samsung...bought on offer in February. Very happy with it. It shows up on offer fairly often on Amazon and at Argos. I have a Fire that I bought about 5 years ago as a backup and to travel with. I hate it. User Recommendationref=sr_1_5?crid=2TSTDR0DKWTU4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0NCxcOThncppfQ7HpFuXgayRmUoPghpnVXkYRgbMFOqTTsKIrXgAuJpL5qZIxRY12oQ48q46hMkyTWm-gLL5oM9o8yUfaiPCrH9XXfCNXa7YAyW4D3UTo_Kg2g58dWLqSjH_f6apJmO-8CoAd4q0MIGcgtdrGX1Sl0WFUNQzS50U5EURHHALT48OeXpTqlXq7tju7WjyaK6TaQrUy4KB5dU28ADRnJyiM6dj3ajoa8U.QHCnOt3cYVjclG7OL4Sa50w7tEVxh1BnHas_CdOdqOg&dib_tag=se&keywords=samsung%2Ba9%2B%2Bplus&qid=1722714820&sprefix=Samsung%2Ba9%2B%2Caps%2C315&sr=8-5&th=1

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