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Mobile Phones

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Khandro | 12:36 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Technology
10 Answers

Do you leave yours on all the time or switch it off frequently.

I ask because I don't use it much and have been in the habit of leaving it off for long periods. 

I have been twice disconnected & have had a stuggle to get back on again and wonder if that was the reason.



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The reason you get disconnected is probably because you need to make a minimum of one call outward within a particular time frame in order that your provider thinks you are still alive and needing a phone line. Just make a note in your diary to do a quick call to somebody every so often. 
13:00 Thu 08th Aug 2024

I can't understand why you would switch off, other than overnight.

On all the time except when I go to bed at night.  I've only recently started doing that because of all the odd calls from abroad waking me up.

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gingejbee. It's just a simple phone, I never receive phone calls on it, just the occasional sms. Its most important use is for identifying myself for online banking etc.

I suppose I just have been thinking of it naively as something electric which I switch off when not in use.

It's on now & I think I should leave it on all the time ?  

Mine's on all the time (but I'm not always near it). Why switch it off?

The reason you get disconnected is probably because you need to make a minimum of one call outward within a particular time frame in order that your provider thinks you are still alive and needing a phone line. Just make a note in your diary to do a quick call to somebody every so often. 

//Just make a note in your diary//

Who are you - Jane Austen? PMSL

You get disconnected if you don't use it and your supplier isn't making any money from the number they had and assigned to you. You need to check the account rules and use the phone occasionally.

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I got didconnected last week and only got back on again bt topping up credit, though I aleready had plenty on there.

I wonder also if the phone is off for a while, the network provider's robots 'think' the number is no longer required.

I shall leave it on now all the time & make a point of making the occasional call.

Yes. It'll vary provider to provider, but likely 6 months to 1 year.

I have a personal mobile for exactly the same reason – it is a necessary evil to allow me to make on-line purchases, and certain on-line banking transactions.


I only switch it on when I’m expecting to be sent a two method authentication code – but I’ve not had any problems with it connecting to my mobile provider on power-up.  Occasionally the battery has gone flat and I have to plug it into a charger, pronto.

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