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Play Store

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Old_Geezer | 18:17 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Technology
5 Answers

Is anyone else's Play Store broken ? Mine seems to be.


I just tried to go there using their app and I'm confronted by a "purchase verification" screen that seems to have no dismiss button.


(Play Store has no need of a purchase verification. They have never been given details enabling them to take money off of me (unless they stole it) and there's no intention of ever buying anything from them.)



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Mine is fine

Mine is fine too .

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Somehow I'm being picked on, then.


Thanks for the information.

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I found something which tells me that I can change the verification settings starting with tapping the profile icon, but this new page has no profile icon 😡

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Had to put in the Play Store password to get in. Which, of course, they already knew and always have done. No idea why they demanded it now. They better not be using that as an excuse to somehow charge me for something. 

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