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Tranferring Files

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fourteen85 | 10:15 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Technology
6 Answers

When i have had a new samsung pohne there is a transferring app that move files etc from old to new. is there a similar system for transferring stuff from old laptop to a new one ( both Windows) Thanks



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many ways eg just copy your files on to a thumb drive and copy to the target location. Do you use onedrive? If so no need anyway.

You can only transfer data; any applications have to be installed on the new machine.

It is possible to network them but unless you are familiar with Network and file sharing it probably isnt worth the hassle.

As TTT says, a USB or use OneDrive/GoogleDrive if you have them.  Just be wary of putting files on 'free' Cloud drives, often the terms include their right to use things.

You could also buy an external drive holder.  I have a couple for he different size drives and then plug that to the new laptop where it will become another drive.  The use use the file Mangler to copy them over.

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OK, thanks for all your help and advice

There's a fairly new tool that will duplicate much of your software installation.

This video is longer but explains the import feature about 2 minutes in.

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Tranferring Files

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