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For Attention Of Old Geezer

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barry1010 | 09:53 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Technology
14 Answers

To read DM+ on your mobile, use the Chrome extension and switch off javascript



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Use the Chrome  app, not extension

Chrome extension ? On a chrome browser or any browser ?


Edge failed miserably. Refers to addblock but nowhere specifically shows it can be switched on. It's not one of it's extensions. Setting all privacy settings up changed nothing. (Plus Edge AI has non-optional sharing of my location with all & sundry.) I'm unlikely to leave it installed for long.


I shouldn't known as I had aready tried the Ablock browser and knew that did nothing. Unsure why you are ok to read it, I suspect you may have allowed them spy on what you are interested in.

Sorry, re-read. App not extension.

I have Chrome already, I'll try it.

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Just turn JavaScript off in the Chrome app settings

No joy again. And attempts to get an extension either go to the MS version, or directly to the Adblock browser.


I think the issue is that this isn't an ad I'm trying to block, it's a demand for either allowing spying, or cash.  So, yeah, the DM website is now of no use. At least until their traffic reduces to a level where they are realising they aren't anywhere like as influential with the masses any more because they no longer reach them.

Ah, finally got you. Thanks. That seems to have worked. Must try that on all my installed browsers.

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Glad we got there in the end.  I know what I mean, it doesn't mean everyone else does  😂

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Let me know how you get on with the other browsers on your phone/tablet.

Where it works, or doesn't.

I believe viewing the DM app in Reader Mode on Apple devices also works

Many browsers don't give the option. It's been interesting browsing settings generally. There are so many I inevitably found some that weren't set as I'd like. Will now, no doubt, discover the downside of no javascript running. Already this page looks a little odd, but I'm unsure how. Oh yeah, my avatar in the type box being one thing !?!?

Ah, won't 'answer now', is another thing !

Testing testing testing...


Ah, have no Apple devices.

Trying again.

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It only takes a second to turn javascript on if you want to read a particular article, a second to switch it back on.   I use Chrome for DM on my mobile and Brave for everything else.  

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You found any DM paywall articles worth reading, OG?

Not really. Just flicked down a bit to check one or two, then got distracted by other things.

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