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I Have A Macbook Air

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Stargazer | 14:18 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Technology
9 Answers

and I keep receiving notifications fron McAfee telling me my computer is downloading files and my subscription has run out and they have received 65 complaints about malware being sent from my computer. I have neve used McAfee on this MacBook although many years ago I paid for Norton on another computer. I am an 81 year old Luddite and totally at sea over this..



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Scammers alert. Ignore these rob dogs.

I hope a Mac user can tell you how to block these fake pop ups, Stargazer.  A lot of people are complaining about them

You'll find that these notifications are not from McAfee at all...just delete and ignore. Don't respond in any way.

They are a pain in the *** - just ignore them, it's bloody advertising spam.  The stupid thing is that each one (and there are several vareties including "hacked by Russia") arrives at the same time every day.  Which means, for example, Russia tries to hack my account at 17:25 every day. You couldn't make it up. It's obviously a bot.

They are fake but pop ups are annoying and should be blocked. Some people are reporting getting dozens a day.

I've been on a MacBook Air using Safari for years and don't have a problem.  That would drive me nuts.  What am I doing that you are not I wonder?


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Thank you all for your kind comments. My youngest daughter came to my rescue. It was her who had given me this MacBook and she knew what to do.

Glad you are sorted, Stargazer.

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I Have A Macbook Air

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