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Happy Birthday, Jourdain2

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Hazlinny | 16:43 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

🌺 Apologies for the late Birthday Wishes, Jourdain, but hope you are having a lovely day .... with lots of nice pressies. 🌺 xx



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Thank you so much,Hazlinny.  I'm just puzzling how to care for a Bonsai Chinese Elm tree! I had to trawl on line to identify it - the sender didn't specify they type.  I forsee many hours of , well something or other over it.  😁  

Lovely sunny day here in E. Yorkshire.  Thanks again.  :) x

Happy Birthday, Jourdain! 😘

Happy Birthday  Jourdain  - I hope you're having a great day x

Thank you L-i-K and Rosie.   :) xx

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What an unusual gift, Jourdain ....  think they are quite easy to look after though I've never had a Bonsai indoors or outside. x

Yes, Happy Birthday 🎂 🎈 🎈 

I hope you're having a great day 

Thanks, sandyRoe.  :) x

Happy birthday jourdain, hope you're having a lovely day x

Thank you elliemay.  :) x

Happy Birthday, Jourdain I trust you had a good one.

Happy birthday, Jourdain 

Arksided and barry - thank you both very much.  It was lovely weather, which was nice... we went out for a meal on Sunday. Just a pleasant day - and they are equally precious.  :) xx

happy birthday jourdain2, hope you had a good one.  

Better late than never so Many Happy Returns of the Day Jourdain.  I hope the sun has been shining up there.  My daughter has an Indoor Bonsai Tree which she was unsure how to look after.  I do know in the warm weather she puts it outside in the sunshine, otherwise, by her window indoors so that it still gets the light.  She's had it for a few years now so must be doing OK.

 Thank you TheWinner - it's been pleasant,

^^^ which is always nice, and it's been lovely weather.

Ladyb., thank you, too, and also thanks for the encouraging advice about Bonsai.  I'll probably be pestering your daughter, through you, for advice.  It was dry, so I gave it a soak and it's now sitting prettily on the coffee table, just catching light from the window without being in full, strong sun.  Fingers crossed.  :)  xxx

I hope that you have both had a lovely day. X

Thank you andres, it's been very pleasant - except that when taking our small mongrel terrier for his teatime walk - a strange dog shot out from the local pub and went for him.  Very upsetting, but locals piled in and separated them and kept OH & all safe.  Very heartwarming. :) x

Happy Birthday

Thanks webbo.  Nearly over now, I have to get use to being a year older.  :) x

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