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What Is Wrong With People.....part N

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ToraToraTora | 14:49 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | News
21 Answers

There is an entire internet of porn of every kind so why would you try and "up skirt" a random stranger?



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Anybody's guess, Tora. People get their kicks in all sorts of ways.

The bigger question is why is a Columbian national allowed to remain in the UK, regardless of whether he has been "upskirting" women?


What is wrong with Men....part N.

It must be the excitement of creating their own content.

will he be deported?

"...will he be deported?"

Absolutely no chance. 

I won't go into all the ins and outs but deportation is not normally considered for those sentenced to less than 12 months and even then they are entitled to resist a deportation order on human rights grounds.

This creature will serve at most one month in prison. This will probably be less than that following the latest amnesty to let criminals out having served 40% instead of 50% of their sentence, though I haven't checked how that applies o shorter sentences. Then he will be released to continue his life here, probably making a further nuisance of himself whilst, of course, contributing hugely to the country's economy, the fabric of society and its wellbeing in general.

Probably gets a kick because it's illicit, and the thrill of the risk of getting caught ?

the echr has turned the uk into a giant sewer, illegal migrants jihadis rapists murderers and everything in between, basically a get out of jail free card.

This seems a peculiar thing to do.

Presumably, at best, he'd have got a shot of a gusset (hate that word) - seems a strange thing to beat his meat over!

I can understand that the victims of such a crime may well be devastated, but that's only if they know what's happened. So my question is, should the police tell the victims, or should they just charge the culprit without the victim's knowledge.

No, they must tell the victims.  Whilst they may think that they are saving the victims heartache, I consider they are entitled to know.

ignorance is bliss

Ignorance may be bliss, but the problem is that a) it may come out in many months or years after which will be worse and b) people are entitled to know if a shot of what is under their skirt is appearing online somewhere.  Furthermore, those victims ought to be allowed their say by way of a Victim Impact Statement at Court.

there was an instance of males caught nude bathing - most covered up their genitals - the wise ones covered their face.

Barmaid: If an upskirt pic appears online, how can anyone connect the view from down there with a particular person? I suppose that the picture taker might try to get a face shot as well. If not, I see no point in the 'victim' knowing. You could have been a 'victim' and be unaware - would you feel better if you knew that it had happened?

This is a very weird "crime" - surely the view can't be particularly stimulating.

I think it's rather weird that the usual xenophobes are using this thread to bang their bigoted drum, but heyho, if it pleases them so be it.

Canary - do you actually know what the word xenophobe means?


I'm pretty sure you don't because you've used it incorrectly a few times this week.

Well apart from anything else, the victim will need to give evidence to say that the picture was without consent if a prosecution is to succeed.

I suppose watching recorded highlights of an upskirting is not as as exiting as actually witnessing it live.  
Hundreds of thousands of people will go and watch live sport tomorrow, and pay a fortune to do so. But it might be extremely tedious viewing.

“I think it's rather weird that the usual xenophobes are using this thread to bang their bigoted drum,…”

It is neither xenophobic nor bigoted to criticise a system which allows a person from Columbia, who has no fixed abode and presumably no employment, to be in this country at all, but especially to remain here after having committed what is a fairly unpleasant crime against women.

You may be happy with that system and need not criticise it. I am not and so I will criticise it. That doesn’t make me xenophobic or bigoted. I’m simply expressing an opinion which I imagine is shared by quite a few people.

The idea that certain topics are “off limits” for discussion on the basis that you or others may not agree with views contrary to yours is simply a demonstration of your intolerance – ironically an accusation you presumably are hurling about along with your insults.

OK OK, I withdraw all the unpleasant epithets and apologise for my bad 😊 

"OK OK, I withdraw all the unpleasant epithets and apologise for my bad 😊 "

Accepted with thanks and good grace.  👍

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