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Chagos Is.

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hessian | 17:55 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | News
11 Answers

Perhaps now the native Hawaians will be able to reclaim their Kingdom from the American settlers who squatted then overthrew the legal government. Here's hoping...



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So long as the Yanks can take out all the schools,hospitals,public toilets,libraries,etc along with them.As the Hawiaans always ask-"what has USA ever done for us?"

The Hawaiians only got the name 'Hawaii' when Capt. Cook visited the islands and was heard to say, 'Hi - Where are we?'

and they still have the Union Jack in their flag.....

It may be no bad deal - an exchange of the Chagos to the Americans for Hawaii....the economy of the state for the Yanks to have their air-base. But then I guess, it would come with Oprah Winfrey and then that means the D&D of Sussex would possibly follow her....

So, may be, forget it......


And will the Native North American Tribes regain their lands? Bloody pilgrims🙄

Colonisation was such a wonderful conscript for all countries that were colonised🤔

Please forget the fact that they were happy living their own life style, until greedy rich invaders invaded🤫

Yeah! Get the bloomin pommies out of OZ & let the Abos do their thing.

Errr,arent you a Ozzy,Ozzy?May i ask what you have given back to the aboriginal people you stole their lands from?

The colonised may have had a level of happiness beforehand because humans are good at accepting whatever is their norm; but that is likely to be because they didn't realise how much better life could be if they had sorted themselves out as the invaders had. Indeed being dragged into the modern world will have been a benefit in the longer term. Except where the natives refused to accept the new ideas; and/or when the local areas held many "tribes" than refused to get on with each other and so spent much of their resources smiting each other.

If the indigenous tribes had been left to get on with it there probably wouldn't be the world over-population we are now experiencing.

Further to DTC at 18:52 Fri.

A couple of tourists disembark in Hawaii, the wife says to the first official there, "Please settle an argument we have been having : Is to pronounced 'Hawaii' or Havaii'? he says 'Havaii' she says, "Thank you", he says, "You're Velcome". 🙂

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