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Outside Walkin Shower, Toilet And Sink

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JinnyJoan | 21:39 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | Home & Garden
8 Answers

Would like the above to be placed at the back of my house at the door - thats all I want so what would the best of enclosing it.

Breezeblock, Insulation  like I dont know - anybody help me please




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Surely your builder would advise you which is best. I thought you had a builder & it was all done by now. Anyhow what's wrong with using bricks & getting it insulated?? Remember to put in an air vent.

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well Sharon - I had 3 builders gave me a price on the phone without viewing, so don't like that.

one other builder kept saying he would be coming coming coming and I am still waiting on him

my dream would be that it could be made up and set back in my yard with own plumbers electricians and whoever to plumb it in.


Am I misunderstanding you JJ because it sounds as if you want a separate building at the back of your house.  Is that correct?

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No i hope to get it attached to my back door with a lobby/hall. But anyway I will contact a person this week who should be able to help me.



Oh I see, thanks for explaining.  Good luck I hope you get it sorted before the winter weather takes hold.

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I do hope it is not one of my hairbrained schemes    LOL 

Do you not have a shower , toilet and sink indoors already?

JJ, is it so you don't have to climb the stairs to use a bathroom?

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Outside Walkin Shower, Toilet And Sink

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