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Jaimsieboy | 18:57 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | Technology
9 Answers


I currently use Windows 7 on my laptop and a message popped  - Microsoft Edge no longer supports this version  of Windows.

Upgrade to Windows 10.

Do you think I would better upgrading my laptop with Windows 10 or buying a new lap with Windows 10 ?

I can get e-mails thru MSN but it is a bit of faff.




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I'd go for W11, not W10.

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just disable auto update and use W7 until you are ready for a new laptop, then get w11 or whatever is the current one at the time.

As a short-term fix, you could download and install the Supermium web browser, which is compatible with Windows 7.  You'll first need to know whether your laptop is running the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows 7:

If it's 32-bit, download this file:

If it's 64-bit, download this one:

Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file and then run the set-up program to install Supermium.

It would make far more sense though to buy a reconditioned laptop running Windows 11 (NOT 10!).  This is possibly what I'd go for in your position:

If you're shelling out for a new laptop, why not give Apple a go.

I've been using their window-based OS since before Windows was born, with hardly any of the many problems Windows users seem to have.

I've had that coming up on my desktop for at least 2 years, i have just ignored it, i'm still using W7 without any problems, not any I've noticed anyhow.

If you are used to a PC don't touch apple, totally non intuitive.

Agree^^ If you have been using a windows os for ever then you will not like the mac system. It is also a falacy that it is bug free. In fact there has recently been a press release in the tech community about a long standing os fault that is being exploited and that could be very serious. It was discovered by Microsoft. Go for W11 all day long. You do not state a budget level but if it runs to it get a touch screen. Also think RAM and storage capacity. No one ever said they had too much. As online things continue to speed up, and become more sensitive to device security and capacity, money spent now will give some measure of future proof insurance. When you are ready to take the plunge give us some budget and usage requirements and we can dot the i's and cross the t's for you. Screen size may also be a factor. 

Another query Jamsieboy how good is your internet connection? If it is good then you will be very pleased indeed with the latest load speeds that modern devices are achieving. Buffering is almost non existant when you take advantage of the latest tech available.   

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