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Silly question

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suzi-q | 14:52 Tue 24th Jan 2006 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
My hubs is going away at the weekend to see his dad who is not well. Its a long way (6 hrs drive) and Im staying at home for various practical reasons and to look after kids, dog etc.

Its the first time we have been apart since we got married in July, indeed since we moved in together 2 years ago. its gona feel very strange.

Is that silly? Probably should know better at my age.


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No, it's not strange at all.

Make some plans to minimise the 'strangeness' of it all.

Keep busy all day - out of the house if possible - with the children, and try and have some company for the evening, maybe some girlfriends round to watch a slushy DVD, but don't drink, it will make you maudlin.

Leave going to bed as long as possible, and have a good book ready by your bed, and have a nice long soak in the bath first.

Finally, sleep in one of his shirts, the familiarity of its fel and smell will make him feel closer.

I'm leaving the 'good night, love you, miss you ...' phone call before you go to sleep as a 'given'.

It won't be as bad as you think ... good luck.

Hide a secret love note in his clothing to let him know how much you love him. Men are so much soppier than they like to admit.
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Thanks you both, for not telling me to stop being such a wimp!!

He is soppy (in a manly kind of way of course!!) and doesnt mind admitting it so will do all of the above.

i dont think thats silly.... jsut love x

I hated it when my other half went to magaluf with the boys (just imagine), And i honestly thought it was going to be agony we too had never been apart either,But it was the best weekend ever me and the kids went to the park went for walks visited family , It flew by, But it also made me realise as much as i love my partner and i dearly do , I could get by without him and that made me feel loads more confident.
enjoy the peace and do something for yourself..i am on my own a lot and love it..master of the remote control meals when ever i trails of mess to clean up..and best of all the bed all to the end of the day its not wise to become joined at the hip with someone as you loose your identity..its allways best to have interests of your own and do things alone so that when you are together you have things to talk about..i have been married 28 years and i have allways had my own interests and mr m has his he goes out and its great we allways have things to talk about when he comes back..i am not jealouse or obsessive i believe every one has the right to do things alone..hobbies etc and i know if i had someone trying to control me saying what i could or couldnt do then he would have had his marching orders years ago...let him go with a smile on your face and dont pressure him in any way then he can do what he has to do without worrying about you..he will appreciate you more for acting mature about it..have fun and he will soon return..

I'm married but have been on my own for the last 8 yrs -10 days out of 14.Its lonely but you just have a really nice girly time - get the girls round - chat into the small hours.Put Shania Twain on and dance.(or whatever your taste is).Its great fun (unless your father in law is seriously ill).

The worst thing will be the hangover on Sunday so get bacon and eggs in.

You will be fine and I do hope your dad in law will be too.

Yes, you are being silly, grow up.

How do all the girls manage when their husbands have to go abroad, sometimes for months and sometimes to fight in a war!

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Thanks to everyone for your ideas.

Of course I will be fine and want my hubby to see his dad because he is elderly and ill.

To toureman - that was a bit of a pants answer. The question was quite lighthearted. Im not going to go into a decline in a weekend. Just will miss him and it will be the first time apart. If I'd married a soldier I would know the territory wouldnt I?

To everyone else thanks for your ideas.

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