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No access to folder 'D:\'

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10ClarionSt | 21:04 Thu 27th Jul 2006 | Technology
5 Answers
I want save some work to a cd, but when I try to save it, I get a message that says 'You do not have access to folder 'D:\' See your administrator for access to this folder' What administrator? It's my pc! Can anyone help please?


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You can't just copy it to a CD like you can to a floppy disk or flash memory stick. You can either use XP's burning tools, or a program like Nero. To use XP's stuff, I think you right-click the file and click sendTo->D:

As for the administrator thing, well there are two main types of user accounts on XP. Administrators and regular users. Only admins can do things like install programs.
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There is a freeware programme called InCD which allows you to format RW CDs then you can copy straight to the CD like a floppy or hard drive folder. Also allows you to delete, rename etc.
To use the CD in other computers, you might also have to download another programme called InCD Reader and install it.
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No access to folder 'D:\'

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