Google search - how can you delete history? in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Google search - how can you delete history?

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Postdog | 22:59 Mon 16th Oct 2006 | Technology
7 Answers
That's it basically.
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left of the google search box click on the arrow next to G, click on view history then at the bottom is an option to clear history.
If your not using the Firefox browser, I suggest you get it. You can configure it to clean a lot of your history as soon as you close the browser. Also download the free ccleaner, this will erase a lot of your tracks and free up memory.
Both those links are stupid, sorry, but find out the best place to download them, I'm very, very, drunk
click tools click internet options
you will see history click numbers zero
that my work
Tools - internet options - clear history (also do the delete cookies & delete files.)
Be warned, deleting all cookies as per above, will also mean some of your regular sites will not recognise you.
Eg Answerbank. This means you will have to log in from scratch. So make sure you know all the details you will need to log back in - (username, the e-mail you used to register, passwords etc. etc.) - before you delete your cookies.

Perhaps there should be a;

Tools > Internet Options > Delete All Evidence of P*rn And And other Internet Filth Before The Missus Sees It

Doink, i wonder if you are the one i know and work with ? first time ive heard it other than at work

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