Mac Video into PC in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Mac Video into PC

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bizzylizzy | 23:08 Mon 06th Nov 2006 | Technology
6 Answers
Does any know of a cheap or piece of shareware software that will convert my Mac video into one that can be shown on PCs. We've created a video in iMovie that we want to send out to PC users, and although we can play it in QuickTime we need to make it available to Windows Media Player. Thank you.
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I'm a bit out of my depth here because I know next to nothing about Mac software. However, I've found a free program which might do what you want:
http://www.download.com/Front-End-Digital-Medi a-WorkShop/3000-2183_4-10442822.html?tag=lst-0 -3

(If I've inadvertently wasted your time, please accept my apologies).

Doesn't it just create a .mov file?

You could convert it with super:
winAVI should do it.
convert to an avi file, then you should be able to play it on anything.
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Hi again

Thanks for your answers everyone, much appreciated. I probably didn't explain myself properly. I want to convert a video that already been produced in Mac into a format that means it can be shown on PC. The first link doesn't allow us to save into Windows MMV, the second is software for windows only and the third we've tried .. apparently avi creates really massive files, in order to downsize the file size you have to downgrade the quality .. I'm just repeating what I've been told here. But I thank you all for taking the time to reply. I guess we might have to stump up and buy the software. But a couple of hundred quid to convert a 4 minute movie is frankly more than we wanted to pay. Urk.
Can't you save your movie in Apple QuickTime, then download the free PC QuickTime player and you're away?
oh so you want to do the converting on your mac too!

well give this a go:


or this software does about the same but is easier to use:


neither may be able to convert to .wmv though; this is microsoft's own proprietary format. they'll convert to formats that are compatible with both apple and windows though.

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