to be quite honest with you i know a lot of police constables generally. they all tell me that despite the average or above average pay and pension contributions, the job is abismal. not only do you face tough tests to get in but you also have to prove yourself over 2 years to complete your probation. This means not being able to get your meal breaks, clearing your crimes and the posibility of having leave cancelled. Your best option if you are interested in crime fighting is to go for the lesser model of community beat officer, they do not have powers of arrest and so by do not need to clear any outstanding work, which is where a lot of police officers fail, because there is no time to do the job properly and effectively. The police have an incredible fall out rate, and i also know there are a lot who are off with sickness. I hope i have not put you off too much but i am sure you would enjoy this job more than the regulars.