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PaulB | 11:13 Fri 29th Aug 2003 | Technology
6 Answers
Anyone else noticed that, although 118888 claim to be half the price of BT's 118 118, when you phone them you get someone who keeps asking you to repeat yourself and can't talk english properly thus making the call twice the length. So, in theory, you don't save anything! I've phoned them now about 5 times and each time has been the same!


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Yup! Again, the government's focus on preventing monopoly and encouraging competition has screwed us all over. The calls are actually no cheaper than 192 was and at least BT gave us staff, who being British and being based within the UK, might have had the slightest clue what the hell we were asking for!! According to the Daily Mail's research last week, 118-000 (run by Orange) gave the best results and were almost the cheapest, unlike the majority of the competition who are based well outside the UK and don't have a clue how to spell Chipping Norton!
118118 is not run by BT, is it? 118500 is the BT service. afaik.
re:118 118 deffo, and possibly others; When you dial and ask for your number, it's cheap so far, they will then ask if you want putting 'straight through'; at this point you would pay an additional charge, so say; 'No thankyou, I will dial it myself', and take your number. ok? I think this is possibly true of all the 118's - anyone know differently?
alternately go to or and pay zero, zilch, nada, nothing!
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Hey you lot. Great answers :o)
That's great sft42 Just used it and alas! it is free :o)
Recently read a review of all the directory enquiries available and 11 88 00 works out the cheapest overall. 11 88 88 is the most expensive, and one peice of advice, just ask for the number and write it down, DO NOT agree for them to connect you, that can cost an extra 49p and then half that for every minute you're on the call!

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