Some pointers please. I recently got broadband installed. Everything was OK for a few days, then problems started. I kept getting responses suggesting that I was not connected. MSN Messenger telles me that I am behind a firewall which prevents direct connection to the internet. As far as I am aware I am not. I have unistalled ZoneLabs, as well as my anti virus software just in case. I tried shutting down everything from Ctrl/Alt/Del but the the problem still exists. Can anyone tell me how to solve this please? I cannot get connected to broadband at all, and I am having to connect using dial up again. Any contributions will be gratefully received because I am at my wits end with this!
If you are running with XP then it has a built in firewall you might not be aware check this click on the "start" button then select "connect to" and then "show all connections" your broadband connection from the list available and then right click on it's icon...from the menu select "properties" and from the next window that opens select the "advanced" should find the option for turning off the inbuilt firewall here....hope this helps!
Thanks sft42, but I forgot to mention that I am still using Windows 98. Appreciate the response though, and I apologise for not mentioning that before.
Thanks sft! I have had major connection problems. Although it didn't state these were due to a firewall, I followed your instructions and turned mine off - and now I can connect!! Ta, x
The 'firewall' message just means MSN cannot find an open connection to the internet. I think your problem is that your broadband connection is just unreliable - maybe hardware related ( or excessive noise on your phone line ). Try contacting your service provider for advice.
Thanks sft42 and Spongebob. Answers greatly appreciated, although I still have to solve the problem. If anyone has other suggestions, I'm still looking!