I can translate cyrillic Russian to English but am often copied in on messages written using a standard Eng keyboard. How can I translate messages written in this format from Ru to Eng ?
Do you mean transliterated using latin letters? I find it a bit harder to translate Russian written with latin characters, but provided a standard method has been used it's just a bit slower. There's no problem with encodings, of course, so what is your difficulty? Can you be a bit more specific?
Yes, I am refering to transliterated text using latin letters. For example : Privet moya lyubimaya. Ya nashol komp. U svoego druga. Poetomu mogu sei4as nikuda ne speshit. Hope that example is not rude. I need to convert that to cyrillic so that I can then translate to English.
Provided the person doing the translit has stuck to the correct method, you can use this chart:
http://users.accesscomm.ca/doukhobor.genealogy/Tra nsliteration.htm
you need to do this in order to use a translating program? Here it is in cyrillic: ������ ��� �������. � ����� ���� (?). � ������ �����. ������� ���� ������ ������ �� �������. Don't know about komp, could be short for companion or company.
Thanks Smorodina. It's a long winded job for me to rewrite from Latin to cyrillic. I wondered if there was a programme to do it automatically. My knowledge of the language is very limited and it takes me forever to rewrite a long mail and then translate it.
Fewer letters are used in translit to represent the Russian sounds and this makes it almost impossible for a program to convert acurately to cyrillic, although it is not a major problem the other way. There are a few conversion programs, but the only one I know of that works from latin to cyrillic is 'convert'. However this is a dos based program so it's not very easy to use unless your happy with working in dos. You can get it on this page:
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PaulGor/p age.htm#cvt-dos
Thanks for your help. I'm going off to find a full time interpreter. I've now received some handwritten letters. Transliteration is bad enough ...... but handwritining seems to be even worse !