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Connecting 2 computers

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CSG2306 | 13:43 Sun 25th Feb 2007 | Technology
3 Answers
Hi all,

May I have information on how to connect my lap top to my desktop without using a router.



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Both need to have a network card/interface.

If both are reasonable new, then they will have, looks like a modem socket but slightly bigger.
You will then need an rj45 crossover cable, available from PC World, Maplins etc.
From here it would be helpful to know what Operating System you are using.
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Hi Mattie,

Thank you for answering.

I have a 1year old Sony Vaio desktop and a 4 year old Acer Aspire laptop. Both computers run on windows XP.

Hope this helps.

To type in the method for networking two PCs would take a lot of space ( and I am quite lazy).

This website explains the process. k.htm

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Connecting 2 computers

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