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lucydog | 10:20 Wed 21st Mar 2007 | Technology
3 Answers
how do i find out what my teenage children are going on , on the internet and chat rooms without there password


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Assuming they aren't the administrator on your computer you should be able to do it through the control panel/then user accounts. If they have been doing anything untoward they would have probably cleaned it up. If they are teenagers I would think trust would be better, no young lad is goona want his mum knowing what porn he has been looking at.
you can go onto they'er niternet and go on history.
short answer is you dont, same way you dont read there diary. if its a concern dont let them use the pc, or get some child safty software like netnanny. that way they will only do the stuff you fear in friends houses or at school (you cant win)

few free utilites for "spying" ccessmonitoring.html

bare in mind if they find out your in for a heap of trouble.

and also that they are not technically minded enough to notice the monitoring software

ebay you can get a little devic ethat plugs in to your keyboard and it recors all the keystrokes for about �20

Internet cache is a easy place, providing you have access and they havent cleaned it as previoulsy mentioned.

you dont need to be logge don as them

c:\documents and settings\there name then just have a nosey around

teenager 13 14 dont let hem have a password internet can be a dangerous place

15 16 17 you will be fighting a loosing battle suppose you find out the girls are sending pics of them selves to strangers and the boys are looking at violent porn..

what do you do? tell them off, stop them from every going on a pc again..

somethings are better left unknown, explain your concerns over chat rooms and what a danger they are and leave them too it is likley to get there respect more.

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