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freeview with twin tuners.

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sunnyday2d | 17:49 Sat 31st Mar 2007 | Technology
3 Answers
Hi all,
Does anyone know a make of freeview box with twin
tuners. Because i was thinking when they switch off
the analogue signal i wont be able to record one
channel while watching another. as i do now.
So the only way i can see round it is a box with twin tuners.
Thanks Ray.


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Such boxes are fairly rare. The general assumption is that people will buy recorders with twin tuners, rather than buying Freeview boxes with this facility.

This page tries to keep up to date with all available Freview boxes. At present, all those which incorporate twin tuners, also have their own recoding device built-in: tml

That should, of course, have been 'recording'!

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Thanks Chris,
some useful info there.

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freeview with twin tuners.

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