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Satellite Dish Siting

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Northumbrian | 18:37 Tue 19th Jun 2007 | Technology
2 Answers
Is it possible to mount a satellite dish aerial in an attic with a natural slate roof and receive an acceptable signal?


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Regrettably, the answer has to be 'No'. The shorter the wavelength of a radio signal is, the less it's 'penetrating power' is. Satellite transmissions have extremely short wavelengths, so they can't penetrate roofs.

Additionally, the transmitter has an output less than the power of a domestic fan heater. As the satellite is over 22,000 miles from earth, with the signal spread across much of western Europe, the signal strength is so low that anything in its path will block the signal.

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Many thanks for that, Chris. Although I have no interest in installing Sky, I have been puzzled by the lack of dishes in my local area and wondered if someone had come up with an answer for indoor installation.

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Satellite Dish Siting

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