After two months I suggest it's about time the ABed updated the blog. Ed must have something to say, even if it is just to inform us what the maintenance issue was that caused the AB site to be totally inaccessible recently. Otherwise what is the point of having a blog in the first place?
Do we have an Ed? I thought this was carefully patrolled by the mods and editorial staff who simply gleen information to send to surveys and the payment probably keeps this site afloat.
if there is an Ed then he/she/it certainly does not take notice of some pretty cute suggestions here, just chucks in surveys that I gather nobody is paid for. probably the Ed is getting a nice fat wage check and the boss has not checked up to see what he is paying the Ed for (that certainly is not being done) in saying that I fear I am about to be banned for the first time.
hey Ed!! You do exist! No, I have no rants or suggestions (apart from the fact it would be nice to hear from you or read something of yours) I appreciate your reply as now I know you really DO exist.