Wish I'd never asked now! I've not eaten anything since I got up half an hour ago! Crumpets marmite and cheese sounds absolutely fantastic. Presumably you toast them then butter them then add the marmite then the cheese and retoast the cheese so it melts aye caveman?
I'm gonna have to high tail it down to the shops as soon as I've had my coffee! Actually with the day off there's nothing stopping me fixing my bike and cycling.... hunger powered pedalling, wayhey!
o the mamite one sounds delish -I adore marmite -open a jar and place it on the worktop and dip my finger in each time I go past -love Twiglets as well.
I had Special K with red berries and skimmed milk-well I have to -duller!!!!
TWIGLETS !!!! Absolutely luv em, I suck them first instead of just chomping, that makes the taste go further. ( sounds mildly pornographic now I've read it back, ooh err missis, apologies 2 those amongst us with delicate eyes ) x x x