last night my BT hub wouldn't connect to the internet, spent ages checking all connections, no good, eventually rang BT helpline (India) was advised to open BT phone line box where it enters the house to check wiring! That's when I hung up. This morning everything working OK, this is in W. Yorkshire, anybody else had problems? Obviously the problem wasn't in this house but elsewhere.
I had a problem with my BT hub a few days back. Similar problem in that I could not get an internet connection even though all the lights were on. I then found a Restart button on the bottom right hand side of the hub and that did the trick for me.
i had this problem also! and was told to open the box and put it in the master socket, which i done (was told this from india also) still didnt work. so a week later they sent someone out and it was my telephone line outside. it was old and splitting before it came into the house. so if it got damp it would short the connection but as the day went on it got progressively better. good luck