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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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The other night I heard mousey vomiting outside and the next morning there was a chewed up mouse, complete with all its fur and claws, covered in slime and black with ants, I was revolted, but guess who has to clear away this and all dead animals (except cockroaches, can't touch them), yep, Me!! Mousey is a good hunter, but I hate it when she gets the birds. She killed the only Robin that I had ever seen here, but the silly bird wouldn't keep away, and I wouldn't feed it cos I knew the cat would get it. She has in the past brought in live birds, mice and I have shrieked and left the house.
I love the word mugwump!
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hahaha, so do I neti...that'll be my word of the week.
The minute I'd submitted my last post I had to dash out & shoo off the biggest local mugwump, it's pure white & has muscles like a bloomin racehorse. It was jumping up at the hedge trying to grab birds...I tell ye, one day it'll be a fur embellishment to my coat.

Plenty of funny words here for you to use this week...I'm off to start a slobberknocker
I'm just gagging to call someone a bloviating batrachomyomachist who tarradiddles :)
The local mugwump is a big ginger bully (I call it andy murray) and it terrifies poor mousey as it keeps trying to give 'er one (ahem)

I am so cold, lovely and sunny out when we had paella, now snuggled up in pj's and woolly socks catching up on the soaps,
a mugwump is (or used to be, in the USA) a person who stayed out of party politics. I did hear it explained as a person who sits on the fence ... with his mug on one side and his wump on the other ... but I suspect that's just made-up etymology.
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Well no one could ever accuse me of being a hyperpolysyllabicsesquipedalianist


Lots of my favourite words are on there.
When I was at school a friend copied a long passage from a text book as an answer to a science homework question. All would have been ok if she hadn't written as her final sentence "But nowadays we know it's a load of codswallop"...haha
Well that damn cat will get my toe up his wump one of these days :)
It's a word my Mum used to use .I doubt she knew the meaning of it no more than I did .Thanks Jno :)
haha .I've just told someone they were pompous and the suspension threatener has been suspended.At least we won't have to endure his BS ,sleaze and bad jokes for a few days.
Downton dreckly ..I wonder what bon mots Maggie will come out with tonight .
Urgh, have awoken from wine induced siesta, hate that part of it.

My mugwump is again sleeping at the end of my bed, bodes ill for the night.

Hopefully I'll get Downton tomorrow, love it.
Not a good time here. Asking for your prayers and good thoughts for strength and peace. Local NHS being amazing x
You have my thoughts in spades Woofy and a big ((hug )).
Goodnight pet .God Bless xxxxxx
my thoughts are with you both, woofgang.
And me too Woofy. Thinking of you and asking whoever looks after me to help you both with all the peace and strength you need. x
Loving thoughts and prayers for you both woofie x
Morning all. Seems much cooler now although it is sunny. Have piles of washing to catch up on, why have I left it for 2 days, it's beyond me.
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Morning all...thinking of you both woofy & wishing you strength x
My thoughts are with you both Woofy. Sending you a very big loving hug. xxx
I haven't disappeared Biddies. Was just in very achey mode at the weekend. Had the results of my MRI scan. Degeneration of both mid feet due to osteoarthritis. Results to be discussed at meeting before I get contacted again - meanwhile keep taking the tablets.

And I like pussycats, so there ;o( !! (Mine actually doesn't catch birds - fortunately - just little rodents (which she doesn't kill!!).
Morning all
Wild and windy here but nice and sunny .
Sorry to hear about your degeneration of the tootsies Lofty .I know the feeling .
I've just had to take 400mg before I hit the High St. With any luck I'll get blown along in this lot .
Take care today all .
more pomegranate filming in our kitchen today, tidying up some bits that didn't quite work the first time. The bounders arrived early, while I was still in the shower, but they're all set up and filming now.

I just noticed your remarks about suspension, shaney - that will mean a bit less bloviating for a few days. I see the user is now listed as 'inactive' rather than suspended - I don't know what the difference is, maybe it's suspension+flounce?

Sorry to hear some of you are degenerating from the bottom up; with me it's the other way round.

("Does your nose run? Do your feet smell? Maybe you're built upside down.")

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