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scanned for the ports of theanswerbank

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puppykins | 17:49 Fri 06th Feb 2009 | Technology
43 Answers
and it appears that port 80 is open. Ok so how do I start hacking it?


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Only when I'm in disguise
Gravy, you talk a load of HK Phooey. Suggesting someone spends all day on here googling answers . . .

Yesterday you were posting at 3.30p.m. and still here at 1.40am today.

Still got your trousers round your ankles?

Question Author
well a true detective needs a mustahe Ethel. maybe we could do the 'dirty sanches' together thus you having a mustache? I am joking of course.

ACtheTURNIP sorry I read the first senctence and switched off.

A.Guest I am glad you are making notes of all my activity on AB. It takes a certain type of person to do that you know.
Ethel who is it ?
I read the first senctence and switched off

That must be a lie, that would imply you were switched on in the first place!
Question Author
Oh chuck! lol ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I love the way you lay in the quite waiting for your opportunuity to say something really funny like that.

Did any one ever tell you that your my hero. lol. the most exciting thing you have done in your life is go to the pub and have 3 pints of lager. right? lol
*you're my hero*
I'm wondering how I lay in the quite.
Question Author
lol only dim people mock peoples spelling. so what if I am dyslexic. I certainly wouldnt go start mocking someone with a dissability like you too.

your values are shocking
AB runs SQL Server on Linux which is rather unusual. This means that if you telnet in to port 80, as root (password "fathead") you can do 'rm -r *' and destroy the whole site.
for your information I am dyslexic too.

Anyhow I don't mock you because of your disability, I mock you because you're an idiot.
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i tried the telnet thing Gormless but it couldnt connect. I will try the password fathead though. that might work
Question Author
but you were mocking my spelling Chucky. Talk about contradicting yourself. Only insecure little men do that chucky. awwwweeeeee poor chucky
Question Author
all i want to do is get some of the php codes they use on the site.
It will work, the standard telnet port is 80. If it doesn't then it suggests that you are doing something wrong.
Question Author
well i type telnet in command promp
the type o
then the ip address followed by the port number and nothing happens
You must be using the wrong password. It's "fathead" all lower case.
no I really was mocking your idiocy. As said I am dyslexic too, but I have the brains to realise this and take measures that ensure that I spell most things correctly.

And nice to see you're the type of person that can't be bothered to work for something you want (the PHP code) by actually learning it, but will happily just steal it. Guess that makes you a thieving idiot.

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