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Printer settings

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KARL | 06:58 Thu 21st Oct 2004 | Technology
3 Answers
Before going on leave, when printing "the long way" (under File, not using the icon) my work computer connected to an HP 1220C inkjet printer used to bring up a panel asking me to confirm the settings before it would print. I found this useful because I often need greyscale, but now someone seems to have removed greyscale altogether, not just the panel but everywhere. How can I get back to where I was ? This is all in MS Windows XP Professional and OfficeXP/WordXP.


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I'm working from memory, so this might not be the most accurate description. If you go to Control Panel in Windows, choose Printers and right-click on the HP 1220C icon. Choose properties then click on printing preferences. This should be the familiar 1220C interface. If it isn't, perhaps the driver's messed up, that's for another time! Assuming all's ok so far, on the last tab there is an option to preview either your print settings or have a print preview appear before your job actually prints, together with an option to resume printing after 30 seconds. This is the bit that's probably got deselected. If the driver is messed up, reinstall it off the CD or download a newer one from
Sounds to me that you're no longer using the 1220C driver as default, or someone's installed a compatible (but different) driver. Toddle off to and download a replacement driver, reinstall and all should be OK.
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Original CD driver reinstalled, everything back to normal. Many thanks.

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Printer settings

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