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Movie Maker

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madmick | 11:04 Mon 23rd Mar 2009 | Technology
4 Answers
Hi. I have Windows XP. Do I have 'Movie Maker' as standard? And, if I do, where do I find it! Thanks very much.


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it's not on the base install of XP, but gets added with one of the updates (service pack 2) so as long as your system is up to date you should have it.

Look on the start menu under all programs, if it's not there run a windows update and it should get installed.
Not wishing to contradict Chuck as he is usually correct.

However Wiki says Movie Maker was in the base version of XP. and updated to Version 2.1 in Service Pack 2.

More here er

You can also download Movie Maker stand alone from a few sites, just search on Movie Maker.
Looks like I was wrong :)

oh well a windows update is never a bad thing and will get them the latest version of it if they didn't have it :)
Never mind Chuck - happened to me once. I'll never forget 5:24 PM, August 14, 1987.

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