A small window has started to appear. 'Zone Alarm needs to check with Zone Alarm servers for updated junkmail blocking rules and techniques. You are not connected to the internet [not true!]. Would you like to connect to internet now?' There is no kind of Zone Alarm heading to this box. Clicking top RH X fails to remove the box, otherwise at bottom there is 'Yes' or 'Cancel' I smell a rat, so leave the window in the background and it goes when switching off computer. Any comments please.
must admit it does smell... ZA is normally very good ar identifying itself
stay away from the ok or cancel
It's unlikely to be a virus - and you are allowed more than one malware scanner
have you tried malware bytes, spybot search and destroy and lavasoft ad-aware.
Why don't you email ZoneLabs direct? I have always found them very helpful and will if need be contact you by phone to talk you through a difficult procedure (that tends to be almost any procedure for me - lol)