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AVG Anti-Virus

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BradleyGas | 12:45 Sun 05th Jul 2009 | Technology
2 Answers
I've had this on my computer for about a year. Since yesterday, on the Anti-virus and Anti-Spyware sections, there's been a message saying "Database is outdated". However, there doesn't seem to be anything to get it up to date. There is an Update Now tab, but having done that it tells me there are no updates available.

Has anyone any ideas on how to fix this?


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Are you on the free version?

If so just re download and reinstall.

Or, if you got paid for, you have to pay for updates after a year - maybe this is why, tho it normally tells you.

and if you were on paid, free is just as good
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Thanks Postdog - I'm on the paid version so I'll look into it.

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AVG Anti-Virus

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