^^ eek-eek-eek-eek-eek...! / Evening biddies, the fireworks have started in my for the time being visible park outside my window and all dogs must either keep it in or go to the countryside to erm see a dog about a man.
Mrs Harris, that's it Woofy. I was just a child when I read it, my Dad thought I might like it. He was always reading (Reader's Digest kind of literature usually) and never remembered a thing he had read:) We had bookcases from floor to ceiling; I loved it, would pedal around in my kiddy car and stop at a shelf here and a shelf there and read a bit before i pedalled off again haha. Later on I desired to recreate that kind of library style home, I so wanted barrister's/solicitor's bookcases to cover every inch of my library
http://i56.tinypic.com/23kzqxx.jpg but could never afford either a library or the bookcases and now I don't even want it anymore. Would still love a huge apartment but wouldn't want hardly anything IN it, just the space.
Well I managed to record three videos on my mobile phone yesterday without even knowing I was doing it ha ha ha! Won't show you those, they are mostly of my stomach ha ha ha, but here's my first mobile photo, which also went off before I knew what I was doing! It's my room divider, I think you've seen it before
Happy New Year everybiddy and dear absent hippie! It's just me here, I'll check in later to see if Robinia is having a party:)