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lap top

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auntsallyann | 14:25 Fri 23rd Jul 2010 | Technology
7 Answers
I'm trying to connect my lap top which i normally use at work, to my modem at home. I do not have wirless. I have connected the ethernet lead from my lap to to the modem but its says no connectivity. What do I need to do to enable me to use my lap top. thank you.


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As it's a work laptop it's fairly unlikely you will be able to as they will have probably locked down the parts you would need to change.

You've also not said what version of windows you have so it's impossible to give precise directions, but you basically want to check DHCP in enabled for your network card.

Google "enable DHCP windows" followed by XP, Vista or 7 depending on what version you have.
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hi its windows xp, we are allowed to use the laptops at home
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hi ive followed the instructions but it just says limited or no connectivity
Are you 100% sure you are using the correct wireless network key?
although use at home is allowed is connecting to the net allowed?..
Question Author
yes connecting to the nets allowed as we work from office or home, not sure what you mean chuckfickens by correct wireless network key, its defo windows xp
A couple of things spring to mind:

Firstly, have you connected the network cable to the correct port on the modem? I only ask as mine has ports that aren't intended for internet use, even though people have tried to use them as such.

Secondly, assuming the cable is connected correctly, have you tried accessing the modem's internal settings page to make sure the cable is working? You'd have to look up the link for your particular modem, but it's normally something like

Try swapping network cables, or using just one computer connected at a time to see if you can locate the fault.

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