Strange as it may seem we still have out VCR and still use it a lot. We are taking advantage of the cheap video's in charity shops, some as little as 3 for £1.00 -
The kids are loving 'The Lion King', Cinderella, Toy Story. I bought 3 more yesterday but 2 of them Roll a lot, stop and start again, My Q is can I get this out myself or is it down to the tape?, its the first time we've encountered this and are presuming worn out tapes.
Because its a charity shop and they are soo cheap I'm not really bothered but if I can rectify it I'd like to have a go.
Any answer's you Techo's? I know if there is one you'll Thankyou.
Hurray! Another old-style 'geek'! Although I have a dvd player/cd/wii/ereader I also have a video player/record player/board games and books as I am reluctant to give them up and some of my videos/records etc are no longer available in new formats. Charity shops are great for stocking up on these and I often have retro parties with 'remember these' evenings. Twister, Kerplunk, vinyl, food. Friends children are amazed and think it's 'kewl'!
Wheaten, - I'm a nostalgic 'geek' yes I'll admit it, I too find it hard to let go of the past.
I had a great book given as a gift called "Remember When" by Robert Opie, its a whole life time of nostalgia, a trip through the consumer era, evoking the tastes smells sights and sounds of the past. Get one of the kids to buy it for xmas for you. I bet you'd love it as much as I do.
theres nothing wrong with owning a VCR, i have just set mine for 7 programmes for the next week - as i gave my daughter my DVD recorder/ player - & currently looking for a new one, about £200 -£300 - DVD Hdd type