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Is it my T.V. or Aerial?

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information | 14:30 Sat 25th Sep 2010 | Technology
4 Answers

Can anyone help please - I have an LG Television which is approximately 4 yrs. old. When I switch it on it is O.K. for about 20 minutes, then develops a band down the right hand side which changes colour according to the picture taking up about a quarter on the screen size; this did seem to rectify itself for a few days,bu now the fault has returned. I am on a communal aerial & we do experience less than good reception in bad weather occasionally.

Many thanks,
Jersey, Channel Islands.


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sorry but its your tv
It's also possible that the TV set needs degaussing,
If you still have the manual for the TV. check to see if it mentions it being fitted with a degaussing coil or switch.
Degaussing is required when the internal electro-magnets get out of balance.
Most TV repair men have a degaussing coil which they move about in front of the set until the correct balance is found.
Google for "Degaussing a TV set" and you will find more info about it and possibly a D.I.Y. option.
that only applies to the older crt tvs
I appreciate that, Deggers, but the author didn't say which kind it was and I believe that CRTs were still on sale four years ago.

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